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Massage Policy

As of late I looked at the site of a noteworthy US Thai Massage affiliation (I won't name them here) to discover the stuff to distribute an article on their site. I appreciate composing articles about Thai Massage and have been doing as such for a considerable length of time. I distribute them on three of my own recuperating expressions sites and they have been republished by many different sites. In the wake of rehearsing and instructing Thai Massage in Thailand and different nations for a long time and running an online Thai Massage video preparing school,
I have heaps of intriguing points to share. So I innocently felt that those accreditations would get me a foot in the entryway. Presently back to the site of the Thai Massage affiliation. Their guidelines express that the article can't show up anyplace else, that they reserve the options to the article, that I need to submit verification who I have contemplated Thai Massage with, in addition to I need to submit proof that I had a specific measure of study and practice hours, and in any event one of my back rub instructors must be affirmed by them as a certified educator by all accounts. I nearly tumbled off my seat when I read that and chose to seek after various settings. A lot of inconvenience as I would like to think . Be that as it may, it is their site and their standards, and they can make up whatever guidelines they like. I have no issue with that by any stretch of the imagination. For more detail about Massage Policy by Sunny SpaDubai .


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